Many of you are familiar with me and my camera already. I'm "Jo" (Tyler's Mom).
Many try to dodge my lens and (I admit) are pretty successful. Sports Photography is a hobby I took on since my high school days as a varsity volleyball and badminton athlete. However, once Tyler took his steps into sports, my passion for photography took form once again...and put me back in action.
When you see me around the events taking photos, grab me if you want your photo taken - alone, with friends, specific swim events - just make sure to let me know your heat-lane and wear your cap with your name!!
Thank you Sandpipers of Nevada for the opportunity to photograph all our swimmers.
Thank you parents for letting me photograph your child, many times without your consent until you see the photo.
More importantly - thank you ALL SWIMMERS. I hope you enjoy your photos as much as I enjoyed photographing each and every one of you and cheering you on.
I support the club or school to which my son belongs - be it volunteer for timer, marshal, counter, or even hospitality. However, to be able to support the club or school doing what I do best and enjoy - sports photography - has proven to be the most fulfilling.
I have been approached by parents who would like to contribute to the photos taken. Not feeling very comfortable, because I literally volunteer for each event to get the best seat in the house, a new idea dawned upon me as I am extremely appreciative for the opportunity given. I will apportion 15% of all contributions to our club - Sandpipers Of Nevada – for without Sandpipers, I would not even have the opportunity to take the photos
Should you wish to contribute, just drop me a text (702-326-1548) or email (
Dear Parents,
Without each and everyone of you, your swimmer wouldn't be here. I know that it was extremely difficult for you to video your child when his/her event/heat came up, watching from them from so far away. Worse yet if your swimmer fell into Lane 1-4. I wanted to video each and every swimmer, but such was not possible. Some swimmers requested for their photos to be taken, to which I honorable and gladly obliged. However, I tried to take videos where and when I could.
I hope you enjoy re-living the moment with your swimmer as much as I enjoying capturing their achievement!!!