Las Vegas Open Water Championship Cup 2021

Lake Las Vegas, Henderson, Nevada
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Tyler stepped out of his comfort zone to complete his first-ever 7.5K open water race having completed a 2.5K just the day before.
For 3 weeks I was witness to gripes, sighs, frustration of "why do I have to do it", laughs, smiles, and even “Look. Here’s my cap. You go swim it, Mom.” 😒
But in the end - he stepped out of his comfort zone, got into the water, and swam the 2.5K and 7.5K distance - THIS is what it means to be a part of Sandpipers of Nevada
I am so proud of this young man and told him, “.....The fact that you stepped up, pushed your limits, and SWAM is what matters. You know your strength, endurance, and your own ability.....and proved to yourself what you can do, even though you like it or not.”
And the rest of the day was spent practicing driving for 2 hours to meet the 50 hour requirement, just chatting in the car, and getting honey glazed Dunkin' Donuts 🤣 🤣 🤣
Due to many kids chose colored caps to be identified from afar, apart from each of their numbers - I am not able to group the kids pictures by last name.  I hope the Psyche Sheets and your swimmer's cap color will help to identify!!!  Parents & Staff - you are in the last video.....Thank you Coach Michael & Shay Kerby in permitting me to be present in the Athlete Area to shoot all photos and videos.

Coach Michael ( gives us a brief history of how our open water competitions began.  Who knew that there were so many fine details to be taken into account and not just our swimmers jumping into the lake and swimming.  For this very informative video, we very much appreciate all that is done for our swimmers and keeping them safe.  Thank you, Coach Michael and thank you all Sandpipers of Nevada staff.

Check out our two videos below to know what you need to know to prepare to feed your swimmer and actually feeding the swimmer.

From my humble experience, for all newbie feeders as I was - be very very very clear with the swimmer and understand EXACTLY which loop the swimmer will approach the feeding area and come in to feed.

Thank you parents & swimmers, Coach Michael, and Shay Kerby in granting me access into the athlete area to shoot all photos and videos.  You may freely use the images. Email me for Hi-Res with image file name.
Jo Nontakorn