Dear Sandpiper Swimmers & Family

  1. The photos uploaded are low resolution due to the upload size allowed by the server. Should there be any photo in particular that you like or love – please email me the filename of the photo and I will send you the full resolution size.
  2. Locating your swimmer
    1. Those whose caps had their names - please search (CTRL+F) by the FIRST LETTER OF THE FAMILY NAME
    2. EVERYONE - check out the SAND category for:
      1. Swimmers whom I am not able to identify either no name on cap or swim position disables me from seeing their name
      2. Photos of our wonderful coaches posing as well as in action
      3. All the beautiful and wonderful parent support group, marshals, and just reliving the ambiance again.

I would like to personally extend my thanks and appreciation to all swimmers and parents for allowing me to photograph you.  As long as the lighting is good and you fall into my camera lens – I will photograph you - regardless of whether or not I know you or your parent.  So even those who don't know me - send them the link.  They just might be in one of the photos, who knows!!!! And....just make sure to wear your cap with your name and swim your strokes!!!!

A - C

D - F

G - I

J - L

M - O

P - R

S - U

V - Z