This was our first "Rock The Blocks" swim meet - and we had NO idea what it was all about. "Rock The Blocks" is a meet where swimmers get the chance to determine their SCAT (Sandpiper Competitive Achievement Times (SCAT). Once a SCAT time has been achieved, the swimmer can swim that particular event at the BRW meets. (Blue, Red, White (BRW) meet).
Regardless, since having joined the Sandpipers of Nevada, Tyler seems to have taken his swimming by storm. He has improved on all his previous best times from Thailand event after event after event. More importantly - his will to want to compete and to win is strong. He has finally found his inner competitive spirit.
The 200 IM was the event that had Tyler worried. Despite the fact that he knew he was actually competing against himself - he still wanted to know who his "competitors" were. What did he find out?
He had plenty to worry about and he sure didn't hide it with me. All the "mommy support" and "mommy cajoling" went in one ear and out the other. Finally, his sharp little brain came up with something as an "incentive" for him to try to best his own time, "Mommy? If I can make 200 IM in 3 minutes 10 seconds - can you allow me to get .....whatever this online game was...." (he already has Fortnite)
Me - knowing his time from Thailand and knowing the time of the fastest swimmer in the event - I only had one thing in my mind - how to boost this little man's confidence in his own ability. So I agreed to his request.
And in that single one moment....and within that same evening....$60 flew outta my wallet and landed in his PS4 (*o*)