Tyler’s highlights for this meet:
- 1st long course senior swim competition in over 90 degrees Fahrenheit heat. Despite having begun his swim competitions in Thailand, those were all under covered tents. Swimming in the blazing sun was an interesting experience, but he made it!
- Truly phenomenal race for the 100M & 200M breaststroke. Wouldn't want to miss these events!!
- Tyler was PUMPED for the breaststroke events!!! He literally out-dived the competition!!!
- Event 8 - 100M Breast
- Event 30 - 200M Breast
- And going all out in the 400M Free
- Time improvement:
- Event 2: 200M IM : -7.94
- Event 8 : 100M Breast : -3.84
- Event 50 : 400M Free : -10.39
- Event 54 : 400M IM : -12.89
The last day of competition, Tyler swam the 400M Free followed by 400M IM, where he chose to go all out on the 400M Free. Unfortunately, by the last day of the competition, the temperature surpassed 100 Fahrenheit, my phone and camera decided it was time to inform me that they refuse to work. And just shut down. So the video for this last and final race “just barely” made it with Tyler touching the pad and all electronics shut off.